Face shields or face visors are types of personal protective equipment (PPE) that protect the entirety of your face (eyes, nose, mouth, skin) from hazardous materials.
A shield made from specialized plastic that resists impacts, chemicals, and infectious pathogens is attached to a headband in a way that allows the wearer to pull the shield down over their face when necessary.
Face shields allow users to wear goggles when engaging in an activity that presents an extreme danger to the eyes.
Face Shield Manufacturing and Materials
One of the biggest advantages of wearing face shields is the rigorous materials used to make the visor.
For example, some face shields are made of polycarbonate (PC) that offers superior resistance to heat, impacts from flying objects, and most chemicals.
Cellulose acetate shields are also available that provide heat resistance and good chemical and impact resistance.
In addition, polycarbonate and cellulose acetate visors are clear materials that do not interfere with visual acuity.
6 Advantages of Face Shields
Provides Full Coverage of the Facial Area
When you pull down a face visor, it will cover the width of the face, from the top of your eyebrows to below your chin.
If the wearer is performing a task involving particles and small objects flying up from the task area, a face shield stops the object from striking the face.
Stops Hazardous Chemicals from Splashing onto Facial Skin
Caustic substances are alkaline or acidic fluids that can severely burn living tissues.
The eyes are especially vulnerable to damage from hazardous chemicals.
Face shields made from PC or cellulose acetate offer excellent protection from unexpected spraying of corrosive liquids.
Safeguards Your Health from Biohazard Infections
Biohazardous materials include blood samples infected with a harmful pathogen, animal waste, human body fluids known to harbor infectious pathogens, and microbiological waste (used needles, Petri dishes, etc.).
One microscopic droplet of a biohazardous substance breaching the eyes, nose, or mouth can cause a serious, potentially fatal illness.
People who work with hemorrhagic fevers such as Ebola or Marburg always wear face shields, goggles, and, in some cases, respirators to prevent infection.
However, the first line of defense against any biohazardous substance is a face shield designed to stop dangerous blood-borne or airborne pathogens from entering the body.
Protects Law Enforcement and Military Personnel from Ballistic and Non-ballistic Projectiles
During civil unrest, face shields prevent serious facial injuries from impacting police and military members.
Whether ballistic objects (bullets, explosive devices) or non-ballistic (fists, feet, elbows) objects present a clear and present danger to military and law enforcement, face shields are the first PPE they put on before confronting an angry crowd.
Non-ballistic face shields are made to resist low-velocity impacts, while ballistic face shields are strong enough to deflect objects ejected from explosive devices and firearms.
Protects Individuals Performing Industrial Repair and Maintenance
OSHA and other state and federal worker safety agencies mandate wearing face shields when there is the possibility of injury from arc flashes, infrared or intense ultraviolet radiation, heat, projectiles, and chemical splashes.
The best face shields to wear to filter out infrared and ultraviolet radiation contain polycarbonate.
These visors are also coated with special materials, such as gold film, to enhance the reflectivity of radiated heat.
Can be Removed Immediately in the Event of an Emergency Situation
Unlike head coverings attached to full-body PPE, face shields may be pulled off immediately when necessary.
When worn properly, face shields fit firmly around the head using a piece of Plexiglass that curves comfortably around your face.
An adjustable or elastic strap holds the visor securely in place until you release the adjustable strap or pull the face shield away from your face.
In addition, face shields allow people who wear glasses or contact lenses to wear them simultaneously as they wear a face shield.
Face Shields and OSHA Regulations
In the U.S., the Occupational Safety Health Administration (OSHA) requires employers to provide employees with face shields or other PPE if the employee is exposed to “face or eye hazards from molten metal, flying particles, caustic/acid liquids, chemical vapors, and gases, or potentially injurious radiation from light” (Standard 1910.133).
If you are an employer with workers exposed to one or more of these dangers, it is to your advantage that you ensure workers are always adhering to OSHA guidelines regarding face shields. OSHA regularly performs compliance inspections to ensure the environment is safe for employees.
Noncompliance with face shield regulations may result in hefty fines or workflow disruption.
Where Can You Purchase the Best Face Shields for Medical and Industrial Use?
Tru-Vision Plastics, Inc. is a leading provider of face shields that accommodate all types of environments and situations.
We manufacture superior face shields and aggregate blasting lenses essential for protecting miners and blasting specialists.
For over 20 years, Tru-Vision Plastics, Inc. has prevented serious injuries from impacting the lives of millions of people worldwide.
We take pride in what we do–from manufacturing and quality testing face shields to ensuring they are delivered promptly to our customers.
Our 100 percent customer satisfaction guarantee means we take our commitment to deliver exceptional face shields to our global customers seriously.
That’s why Tru-Vision Plastics, Inc. continues to outperform and exceed competitive businesses that offer face shields.
Contact us today to learn more about the face shields we manufacture and our other products.
When you call (979) 836-1091, you will speak to our knowledgeable team about your face shield needs, what to expect from the process of ordering face shields, and if you think this solution is right for your particular situation.